At this years forum we heard from a range of industry experts and members of the EEA Asset Management Working Group and participate in the conversation around shaping the future.

The Programme and About the Presenters

To view and/or download the Asset Management 2024 Programme and About the Presenters flyer see below:

programme and about the presenters


Peter Berry - EEA
Waqar Qureshi - Chair EEA's Asset Management Group / Wellington Electricity

Welcome and opening remarks
Sean McCready - Commerce Commission

Asset management priorities of the Commission

Sheila Matthews - Electricity Authority

Future security and resilience work program

Allen Davison - Electricity Authority

’Streamlining Connections Programme'

Sian Hughes - Orion

ENA FNF Connections work—’Streamlining Connections Programme’

Stuart Johnston - EEA

EEA Technical Connections Guide:  Streamlining Connections Programme

Ron Beatty—Consultant / Contractor,  Connie Dunbar—EEA Project Lead: FlexTalk,  
Astad Kapadia—OpenLoop,  Terry Paddy—Cortexo,  Eric Pyle—SolarZero,  Russel Watson—Northpower

FlexTalk - Insights and Findings:  Overview and Panel discussion with Technical leads

Brian Fitzgerald - EECA

EV chargers common design standards and the EV charger rollout

Tas Scott - ElectroNet

EEA's Resilience Guide

Robin Pittwood - Powerco

Power quality metering, including PQ data, asset health, and the impacts of DER on voltage and current quality

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